New Blade syntax in Laravel 5.0
This blog post was originally published a little while ago. Please consider that it may no longer be relevant or even accurate.
It appears as there is going to be a new Blade syntax in the upcoming version of Laravel (was 4.3, but is now going to be 5.0 to be semi-semantic versioning). From now on, all content will be escaped by default. Previously double braces {{
and }}
was just a standard echo while triple braces {{{
and }}}
would escape the content.
Now, both double and triple braces will escape the content. This just makes it a lot harder for you to echo unescaped user content to the views which can be potentially dangerous. I've mentioned it a few times before, but the Laravel community hasn't often talked of this issue - even most Laracasts tutorials go without escaping content.
If you want to echo raw content in Laravel 5.0 (that is, not escaping it), your new syntax will be {!!
and !!}
. A little different.
Read more on the new syntax in the BladeCompiler.