Dwight Watson's blog

[LogicException] Unable to prepare route for serialization. Uses Closure.

This blog post was originally published a little while ago. Please consider that it may no longer be relevant or even accurate.

Ran into this little issue when trying to use route:cache on Laravel 5.

Route cache cleared!
Unable to prepare route [posts/laravel's-new-forelse-construct] for serialization. Uses Closure.

The exception is pretty clear, but it's worth noting that closure type routes will not be compatible when trying to use the route:cache command. You have a couple of options: forgo cached routing and the speed improvement or move your routes into a controller. I did the latter.

// Previously
Route::get('posts/laravel's-new-forelse-construct', function()
return Redirect::to('posts/laravels-new-forelse-construct', 301);

// Currently
Route::get('posts/laravel's-new-forelse-construct', 'RedirectsController@getPostsLaravelsNewForelseConstruct');

Now that your routing is handled by a controller instead of a closure you'll be able to cache your routes as you want.

A blog about Laravel & Rails by Dwight Watson;

Picture of Dwight Watson

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