Dwight Watson's blog

Greater than and less than validation in Laravel 4

This blog post was originally published a little while ago. Please consider that it may no longer be relevant or even accurate.

Just wrote some new validators for testing whether one attribute is greater than or less than another attribute in a Laravel 4 form. Here's the implementation, as well as how you can adjust the error messages.

Validator::extend('greater_than', function($attribute, $value, $parameters)
$other = Input::get($parameters[0]);

return isset($other) and intval($value) > intval($other);

Validator::extend('less_than', function($attribute, $value, $parameters)
$other = Input::get($parameters[0]);

return isset($other) and intval($value) < intval($other);

Now, you can set up your validations!

$validation = Validator::make(Input::all(), ['childs_birth_year' => 'greater_than:mothers_birth_year']);

Of course, if this validation fails, you're going to get an ugly error message (validation.greater_than to be specific). To override this, take a look in app/lang/en/validation.php and find the custom key.

'custom' = [
'childs_birth_year' => [
'greater_than' => "Your child must have been born after the mother."

A blog about Laravel & Rails by Dwight Watson;

Picture of Dwight Watson

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