Dwight Watson's blog

Getting the controller and action in Laravel 4

This blog post was originally published a little while ago. Please consider that it may no longer be relevant or even accurate.

In my old CodeIgniter days, it was really easy to get the current controller and action for a request. Of course, it was a little bit easier becauce in CodeIgniter every request is routed to a controller action. Here is an excerpt from Studious when it was running on CodeIgniter:

<body class="<?= $this->router->fetch_class() ?>-<?= $this->router->fetch_method() ?>">

This simply put a class like post-show on the body tag, which could be used for custom styling or script hooks.

In Laravel 4, I haven't quite found a solution that totally satisfies me, but I'll share what I'm using at the moment. It makes use of Route::currentRouteAction() and Str::parseCallback() which you should look into if you want to write up your own solution.

class Helpers
public static function routeClass()
$routeArray = Str::parseCallback(Route::currentRouteAction(), null);

if (last($routeArray) != null) {
// Remove 'controller' from the controller name.
$controller = str_replace('Controller', '', class_basename(head($routeArray)));

// Take out the method from the action.
$action = str_replace(array('get', 'post', 'patch', 'put', 'delete'), '', last($routeArray));

return Str::slug($controller . '-' . $action);

return 'closure';

I've put this up as a function on Gist, note that I've used the PHP 5.4 syntax there. You might prefer to extend the existion Route class to add the function, or use a separate Helper class as I've opted to above.

A blog about Laravel & Rails by Dwight Watson;

Picture of Dwight Watson

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